
发布日期:2025-01-03 17:42    点击次数:131

  近日,威尼斯(Venice)成为全球首个收取游客入城费的城市,费用是5欧元(约38.89元)。据了解,目前的试点计划主要是为了评估其是否能有效抑制游客过多的现象。  🤔️小作业:  1. Who is exempt from paying the admission fee in Venice?  A) Daytrippers.  B) Tourists who visit the city on weekends.  C) Tourists who stay overnight in Venice hotels.  D) Senior citizens and children under 12.  2. How long will the admission fee be applied during the year 2024?  A) Throughout the entire year.  B) Until the end of July 2024.  C) Only during the spring and summer months.  D) On selected days amounting to 29 days.  Venice entry fees: How much does it cost and how does it work?  From: The Independent  Venice has become the first city in the world to chargeadmissionfordaytrippers– it is now a city of culture,cuisineand charges.  威尼斯已成为世界上第一个向一日游游客收费的城市——现如今,它是一座文化、美食与收费(制度)并存的城市了。  admission  admission /ədˈmɪʃ.ən/ 1)表示“(尤指不情愿的)承认;供认;招认”,英文解释为“the act of agreeing that something is true, especially unwillingly”举个🌰:Her silence was taken as an admission of guilt/defeat. 她的沉默被认为是承认自己有罪/失败。  2)表示“入场费,门票费”,英文解释为“the money that you pay to enter a place”举个🌰:How much do they charge for admission? 他们入场费要收多少钱?  3)表示“(大学、医院等)接收的人数;准许加入”,英文解释为“the people allowed into a college, hospital, or other place, or the process of allowing people in”举个🌰:Half of all hospital admissions are emergencies, and these are treated straight away. 医院收治的病人有一半是急诊,这些人立即得到了治疗。  daytripper  day-tripper /ˈdeɪ.trɪp.ər/ 表示“一日游者”,英文解释为“someone who visits a place, going there and coming back on the same day”举个🌰:The coast is full of day-trippers at this time of year. 每年这个时候,沿海到处都是一日游的游客。  cuisine  cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ 表示“烹调风格;饭菜,菜肴”,英文解释为“The cuisine of a country or district is the style of cooking that is characteristic of that place.”  Starting on Thursday 25 April 2024, visitors to the historic heart of Venice have had to pay €5 (£4.30) to access the city between 8.30am and 4pm on key days in spring and summer. It is effectively acongestioncharge for tourists.  自2024年4月25日星期四起,计划探访威尼斯历史中心的游客,在春夏季重要日子的上午8:30至下午4:00之间,需缴纳5欧元(约4.3英镑/约38.89元)的入城费。这本质上是针对游客征收的拥堵费。  congestion  congestion /kənˈdʒes.tʃən/ 表示“拥挤,阻塞”,英文解释为“a situation in which a place is too blocked or crowded, causing difficulties”举个🌰:These facilities are designed to ease the congestion of emergency rooms. 这些设施旨在缓解急诊室的拥挤状况。  A leading city transport and tourism official, Arianna Fracasso, told The Independent the scheme is aiming “tosafeguardthe city fromovertourism”.  威尼斯的一位高级交通和旅游官员阿里安娜·弗拉卡索(Arianna Fracasso)在接受《独立报》(The Independent)采访时指出,此举旨在“保护城市免受超限旅游的影响”。  safeguard  safeguard /ˈseɪf.ɡɑːd/ 表示“保护,保卫;捍卫,维护”,英文解释为“to protect something from harm”举个🌰:The union safeguards the interests of all its members. 工会捍卫每个会员的利益。  overtourism  overtourism /ˌəʊ.vəˈtʊə.rɪ.zəm/ 表示“过度旅游,超限旅游”,英文解释为“the situation when too many people visit a place on holiday, so that the place is spoiled and life is made difficult for the people who live there”举个🌰:Venice and Barcelona are both victims of overtourism. 威尼斯和巴塞罗那都是过度旅游的受害者。  Around 30 million tourists visit Venice in a typical year – with about seven out of 10 (or 21 million) staying only for the day. Just before the Covid pandemic, Unesco warned the city's “status as a WorldHeritage propertyisin jeopardy”.  每年通常约有3000万游客涌入威尼斯,其中约70%(即2100万游客)仅为一日游。在新冠疫情爆发前不久,联合国教科文组织已警告称,威尼斯的“世界遗产地位岌岌可危”。  heritage  heritage /ˈher.ɪ.tɪdʒ/ 表示“遗产(指流传下来的具有历史意义的传统、语言、建筑等)”,英文解释为“features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance”  property  property /ˈprɒp.ə.ti/ 1)表示“属性,性能,特性”,英文解释为“a quality in a substance or material, especially one that means that it can be used in a particular way”举个🌰:One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well. 铜的特性之一是导热导电能力强。  2)表示“房产,地产,房地产”,英文解释为“a building or area of land, or both together”举个🌰:He owns a number of properties on the south coast. 他在南部海滨拥有几处房产。  3)表示“所有物;财产;资产”,英文解释为“an object or objects that belong to someone”举个🌰:The club does not accept responsibility for loss of or damage to club members' personal property. 该俱乐部不承担会员个人财产丢失或损坏的责任。  in jeopardy  in jeopardy /ˈdʒep.ə.di/ 表示“处于危险之中”,英文解释为“in danger of being damaged or destroyed”举个🌰:The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spill. 石油泄漏使成千上万只鸟的生命受到威胁。  While tourists who stay overnight in Venice hotels areexemptfrom the fee, they must stillregisteronline and obtain a code that allows them to pass checkpoints andspot-checksby officials.  虽然在威尼斯酒店住宿的游客可以免交费用,但游客仍需在网上登记并获取通行码,以便通过检查站和工作人员的抽查。  exempt  exempt /ɪɡˈzempt/ 表示“免除,豁免(责任、付款等)”,英文解释为“to excuse someone or something from a duty, payment, etc.”举个🌰:Small businesses have been exempted from the tax increase. 小公司可免于增税。  📍2020年政府工作报告Part 3中提到:推出8个方面90项政策措施,实施援企稳岗,减免部分税费,With 90 policy measures in 8 categories, we have provided assistance to enterprises to stabilize employment, cut and exempted taxes and fees,  📍exempt也可以作形容词,表示“被免除(义务)的,获豁免的”,英文解释为“not affected by something, or not having to do it or pay it”举个🌰:Men in college were exempt from military service. 在校男大学生免服兵役。  register  register /ˈredʒ.ɪ.stər/ 1)熟词僻义,表示“显示(读数);记录”,英文解释为“if a measuring instrument registers an amount or sth registers an amount on a measuring instrument, the instrument shows or records that amount”举个🌰:The thermometer registered 25°C. 温度计显示读数为25摄氏度。  2)我们常见的含义是“(尤指把姓名)登记,注册”,英文解释为“to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record”举个🌰:I registered the car in my name. 我把车登记在我的名下。  📍政府工作报告中经常会出现这个词,比如2020年报告Part 1中提到的:先进制造业、现代服务业较快增长。Advanced manufacturing and modern services registered rapid growth. 以及2018年报告Part 1中提到的:国内生产总值从54万亿元增加到82.7万亿元,年均增长7.1%,China's gross domestic product (GDP) has risen from 54 trillion to 82.7 trillion yuan, registering average annual growth of 7.1 percent; 都有“显示;指示;表达”的含义(to record, show, or express something)。  spot-check  spot check /ˌspɒt ˈtʃek/ 表示“抽查”,英文解释为“a quick examination of a few members of a group instead of the whole group”举个🌰:The police are doing spot checks on motorists to test alcohol levels. 警方正在对司机进行现场抽查,检测是否有人酒后开车。  Ms Fracasso said: “It's like a museum in the open air, so we want to safeguard it.”  弗拉卡索女士说:“这就像一座露天博物馆,所以我们要保护它。”  During 2024, charges apply for 29 days. The first is Italy'sLiberationDay,commemoratingthe struggle of the Italianresistancemovement againstfascismduring the Second World War.  2024年,有29天需要收费。第一个是意大利解放日(4月25日),纪念第二次世界大战期间意大利抵抗运动的反法西斯斗争。  liberation  liberation /ˌlɪb.ərˈeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“解放;解脱”,英文解释为“an occasion when something or someone is released or made free”举个🌰:Leaving school was such a liberation for me. 离开学校对我来说真是一种解脱。  commemorate  commemorate /kəˈmem.ə.reɪt/表示“纪念;缅怀”,英文解释为“To commemorate an important event or person means to remember them by means of a special action, ceremony, or specially created object.”举个🌰:A statue has been built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poet's birthday. 为纪念诗人百年诞辰建起了一尊雕像。  resistance  resistance /rɪˈzɪs.təns/ 1)表示“抵抗;反抗;反对”,英文解释为“the act of fighting against something that is attacking you, or refusing to accept something”如:resistance to disease 抗病。  2)表示“电阻”,英文解释为“the degree to which a substance prevents the flow of an electric current through it”举个🌰:Copper has (a) low resistance. 铜的电阻很小。  fascism  fascism /ˈfæʃ.ɪ.zəm/ 表示“法西斯主义”,英文解释为“a political system based on a very powerful leader, state control, and being extremely proud of country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed”  The charge applies for the following 10 days, up to and including Sunday 5 May.  此后的10天,一直到5月5日星期日,均需缴纳入城费。  Visits on the sevensubsequentweekends, up to and including Sunday 14 July, will alsobe subject tothe fee. But from mid-July onwards, the charge will be lifted.  其后七个周末,直至7月14日(含)星期日为止,亦须缴纳费用。但从7月中旬起,将不再收费。  subsequent  subsequent /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ 表示“随后的,接着的;后来的;之后的;接后的”,英文解释为“happening after something else”举个🌰:The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics. 书中讲述了他患病及随后隐退政坛的事。  subject  be subject to 1)表示“受…支配;服从于”,英文解释为“under the authority of sth/sb”举个🌰:All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards. 一切核设施均须执行国际防护措施。  2)表示“取决于;视…而定”,英文解释为“depending on sth in order to be completed or agreed”举个🌰:The article is ready to publish, subject to your approval. 那篇文章准备好了,可以发表,就等你批准了。  3)表示“可能受…影响的;易遭受…的;承受,有”,英文解释为“likely to be affected by sth, especially sth bad”举个🌰:Flights are subject to delay because of the fog. 由于有雾,航班可能延误。In recent years, she has been subject to attacks of depression. 近年来,她一直饱受抑郁症的折磨。  🎬电影《鹰眼》(Eagle Eye)中的台词提到:Unattended luggage is subject to collection and search by the airport police. 无人看管的行李会被机场警方托收并检查。  📍subject也可以直接作动词,subject sb/sth to sth,be subjected to,表示“使经受,使遭受”,英文解释为“to make someone or something experience an unpleasant or worrying thing”举个🌰:The investigation found that they had been subjected to unfair treatment. 调查发现他们曾受到过不公正待遇。  “It's an experimental thing just for this year,” Ms Fracasso said. “Next year, maybe it will be changed.”  弗拉卡索女士说:“这只是今年的一项试验性措施。明年可能会进行调整。”  Unesco warns that “Venice's 'Outstanding Universal Value', thehallmarkof every World Heritage property” isin peril.  联合国教科文组织警告称,“威尼斯‘突出的普遍价值’,即每一处世界遗产的标志”,正处于危险之中。”  hallmark  hallmark /ˈhɔːl.mɑːk/ 表示“特征,特点”,英文解释为“a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing”举个🌰:Simplicity is a hallmark of this design. 简洁是该设计的一个特点。  📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述联合利华老板的文章中提到:In the past the hallmark of a good boss was a strategic mind. 以前,一个好老板的标志是战略思维。  peril  peril /ˈperəl/ 表示“巨大的危险;险情,险境”,英文解释为“great danger, or something that is very dangerous”  Cruise shipswere banned fromdockingin the historic centre of Venice in 2021 in response to a request from the UN body that seeks to protect cultural heritage.  2021年,为了响应联合国保护文化遗产的要求,威尼斯禁止游轮在其历史中心停靠。  cruise ship  cruise ship /ˈkruːz ˌʃɪp/ 表示“大型游轮”,英文解释为“a large ship like a hotel, that people travel on for pleasure”  dock  dock /dɒk/作动词,1)表示“(使宇宙飞船在外层空间)对接”,英文解释为“if two spacecraft dock, or are docked, they are joined together in space”举个🌰:Next year, a technology module will be docked on the space station. 明年将有一个技术舱与航天站对接。  2)日本吉野家董事发表歧视女性言论引众怒文中提到,dock还可以表示“克扣,扣发(尤指金钱)”,英文解释为“to reduce an amount of money that is given to someone”  3)表示“(使)靠岸,(使)停泊,(使)进港”,英文解释为“if a ship docks, it arrives at a dock and if someone docks a ship, they bring it into a dock:”举个🌰:Hundreds of people turned up to see the ship dock at the pier. 数百人前来观看该船入港。  But Unesco remains concerned about “overtourism, the potential negative effects of new developments [and] the lack of anintegratedmanagement system”.  但联合国教科文组织仍对“超限旅游、新开发项目的潜在负面影响以及缺乏综合管理体系”表示担忧。  integrated  integrated /ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡreɪ.tɪd/ 表示“结合的,整合的;融合的”,英文解释为“with two or more things combined in order to become more effective;consisting of different groups of people who mix, live, or work well together”举个🌰:The town's modern architecture is very well integrated with the old. 该镇的现代建筑与旧建筑很好地结合在一起。The community has become more integrated over the years. 多年来,社区变得更加融合。  What happens to the cash collected? 这些缴纳费用将如何使用?  Thepilotscheme as currently designed is not intended to make money, but to cover costs and todiscernwhether or not there is adeterrenteffect on tourism.  目前的试点计划不是为了赚钱,而是为了覆盖成本,并评估其是否能有效抑制过度旅游现象。  pilot  pilot /ˈpaɪ.lət/ 熟词僻义,常见含义表示「飞行员」,可以作动词、作形容词,也可以直接作名词,比如形容词,表示“试验性的;试点的”,英文解释为“done on a small scale in order to see if sth is successful enough to do on a large scale”如:a pilot project/study/survey 试验性项目/研究/调查。  📍政府工作报告中必定出现的词,如:加强自贸试验区改革开放创新,pursue reform, opening up, and innovation in pilot free trade zones,  discern  discern /dɪˈsɜːn/ 表示“看出;辨别出;明白”,英文解释为“to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear”举个🌰:I could just discern a figure in the darkness. 在黑暗中我只能看出一个人影。  📺美剧《灵书妙探》(Castle)中的台词提到:No, just trying to discern the hidden meaning. 不 我只是想领悟它所表达的内在含义。  deterrent  deterrent /dɪˈter.ənt/ 表示“威慑力量;遏制因素;制止物”,英文解释为“something that deters people from doing something”如:a nuclear deterrent 核威慑力。  The maximum fee allowed under the law is €10 (£8.60).  法律规定的最高收费标准为10欧元(约8.6英镑/约77.78元)。  Is an access fee going to catch on elsewhere? 其他地方是否会跟进征收入城费?  The uniquegeographyof Venice,comprisinganarchipelagoaccessible only by bridge or water, makes it one of the few cities wherelevyinga charge is feasible. But other cities with concerns about overtourism, including Amsterdam, Barcelona and Dubrovnik, will be watching developments closely.  威尼斯的地理位置独特,是一个只能通过桥梁或水路进入的群岛,因此它是少数几个可以收费的城市之一。但其他担心过度旅游的城市,包括阿姆斯特丹、巴塞罗那和杜布罗夫尼克,也在密切关注这一趋势的发展。  geography  geography /dʒiˈɒɡ.rə.fi/ 表示“地理;地理学”,英文解释为“the study of the systems and processes involved in the world's weather, mountains, seas, lakes, etc. and of the ways in which countries and people organize life within an area”  comprise  comprise /kəmˈpraɪz/ 表示“包含;由…组成”,英文解释为“If you say that something comprises or is comprised of a number of things or people, you mean it has them as its parts or members.”举个🌰:The class is comprised mainly of Chinese and Japanese students. 这个班主要由中国和日本学生组成。  🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:They comprise 20% of the world's fresh surface water supply. 它们提供了地球表面百分之二十的淡水。  archipelago  archipelago /ˌɑː.kɪˈpel.ə.ɡəʊ/ 表示“群岛;群岛周围的海域”,英文解释为“a group of small islands or an area of sea in which there are many small islands”如:the Hawaiian archipelago 夏威夷群岛。  levy  levy /ˈlev.i/ 表示“征收(税等)”,英文解释为“If a government or organization levies a tax or other sum of money, it demands it from people or organizations.”如:a tax levied by the government on excess company profits 政府对公司超额利润征收的税。  🎬电影《国王的演讲》(The King's Speech)中的台词提到:Can I... Can I... levy a tax? Declare a war? No. 我能 我能征税吗 能宣战吗 不能。  - 词汇盘点 -  admission、 daytripper、 cuisine、 congestion、 safeguard、 overtourism、 heritage、 property、 in jeopardy、 exempt、 register、 spot-check、 liberation、 commemorate、 resistance、 fascism、 subsequent、 subject、 hallmark、 peril、 cruise ship、 dock、 integrated、 pilot、 discern、 deterrent、 geography、 comprise、 archipelago、 levy  - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -  To safeguard heritage properties in jeopardy from overtourism, the archipelago introduced a levy on daytrippers. Cruise ships docking must register; spot-checks discern congestion issues. This integrated pilot, commemorating liberation and resistance against fascism, comprises deterrents for excess admission, subsequently preserving the unique geography and cuisine.